Guiding principles
We support the UN Global Compact’s ten principles and the company’s code of conduct guides the company in this work. Ramco Specialties also requires its subcontractors to choose whether to adhere to our code of conduct or if they have their own equivalent. The focus ahead will be to improve the monitoring of the value chain with regard to human rights and to train employees on sustainability issues.
Employer liability
Ramco Specialties strives to be an attractive employer with a good working environment where involvement and participation are the basis for the continuous development of the company and its employees. The company’s overall goal for environmental work is to achieve a long-term effective and sustainable business that safeguards good physical and mental health, offers job satisfaction for all employees and prevents accidents happening. Incidents are monitored and accidents that lead to absences are reported as part of the systematic work environment.
Continues training and skills development are a priority. A key value for the company is that all individuals are equal and must be treated as equal. It is therefore important that everyone feels responsible for combating discrimination and promoting greater gender equality.