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The scope of the Code and the individual’s responsibility
This Code of Conduct has been adopted with the aim of expressing the fundamental principles that form the basis for Ramco Specialties’ relations with stakeholders. All personnel shall be aware of and follow the Code of Conduct.

Ramco Specialties also urges its suppliers, consultants and other business partners to apply the principles.
Ramco Specialties will not accept any discrimination or reprisal against employees who report a suspected infringement in good faith.

Our business principles
Business acumen is a key concept for Ramco Specialties’ operation. For us business acumen entails, for example, that we take responsibility for our operation, are receptive to our stakeholders’ needs and that we actively take a stand, and evaluate and analyze ourselves, the operation and our business partners.
Ramco Specialties or its personnel shall not offer or receive from business partners or other stakeholders any payment or other benefit that infringes upon prevailing legislation or good practice. It is the duty of each employee to act in such a way that trust cannot be put into question.

In our operation we shall always comply with the prevailing legislation, rules and regulations in each country where we operate. In the event that this Code of Conduct contravenes compulsory legislation, regulations or other rules, they shall take precedence over this Code of Conduct. If there is no regulation, the principles in this Code of Conduct shall serve as guidance.

Communication and financial reporting
It is essential that Ramco Specialties is characterized by an open, helpful attitude to all its stakeholders. Objectivity, professionalism and service shall distinguish the way we treat Ramco Specialties’ stakeholders. Disclosure of information shall be in accordance with the applicable legislation, rules and regulations, and the company’s communication shall be long-term and shall comply with the company’s vision, business concept, strategies, goals and values. There shall be appropriate internal control functions and processes for ensuring compliance with applicable legislation, regulations and other rules.

Handling conflicts of interest
A fundamental principle for Ram-Bul is that in the event of a conflict of interest in relation to an employee, a related party, an existing or a potential business partner or any other stakeholder, it should primarily be resolved through a mutual agreement based on the principles of good ethics, business acumen, loyalty and trust.

Environmental principles
Ramco Specialties works in a goal-oriented way to develop processes in a sustainable direction. Active environmental work reflects the corporate social responsibility we have for ensuring our own production is conducted with the lowest environmental impact that is practically feasible and financially viable. Moreover, personnel shall be well aware that they are an important element in preventive efforts and in the day-to-day environmental work.

Ramco Specialties shall always follow prevailing environmental legislation and take into account its stakeholders’ environmental requirements.

Good working conditions and human rights
Each employee of Ramco Specialties is expected to actively help create a safe, secure, efficient and quality-conscious workplace characterized by a pleasant, open working climate. Employees of Ramco Specialties shall have equal rights, obligations and opportunities in terms of employment and working conditions, training, education and development regardless of gender, social or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political views or trade union affiliation.

Ramco Specialties disassociates itself from child labor and work carried out under duress or threat of violence, and supports and respects the protection of internationally asserted human rights.

Ramco Specialties strives to be an attractive workplace with a good working climate and work environment, where commitment and participation lay the foundation for developing the Group and all its personnel.